Check Out the Cool Kids

Friday, July 16, 2010

Cheap is good, but free is better!

So today is a big mis-mash jumble of updates.  First a few updates on my 101 in 1001 list.  I posted previously that I'm picking up Wonder Woman as my comic to follow.  For issue #600, they did an anniversary book, overhaul, and reboot of good ol' Princess Diana.  I got my copy in yesterday and devoured it in 5 minutes.  However, I'm going to go back and read it several more times.  Here are some of my favorite pages.

I also stopped by the library today and got every single WW book they had.  I wanted to catch up and fill in some of the gaps of my knowledge of her (just really know the Silver Age stuff).

I also picked up the random books for my reading list (I did do a couple of vetoes because the book was part of a series and the library didn't have the first one in).  I'm planning on doing reviews on each.

From left to right: Heartshot by Steven F. Havill, English Passengers by Matthew Kneale, Spirit Fox by Mickey Zucker Reichert and Jennifer Wingert, The Master Executioner by Loren D. Estleman, A Duke of Her Own by Eloisa James, and Kid B by Linden Dalecki.

None of these are books I would have picked up on my own (maybe English Passengers) if I hadn't chosen them by random.  I'm hoping that they'll introduce me to some new authors, or at least be pretty enjoyable.  I know my reading has been in a rut lately, so hopefully this will break the pattern.

I also found the first chair for my dining room table.  Found it at Goodwill for (drumroll) $1.99.  Yup, you saw that correctly!  Now, I'll have to do some basic restoration to it, but it's worth it for that price!

I'm also up to 4,741 words for the 50k in 50 Days challenge.  I'm done with chapter one and am moving on to the next.  Definitely, definitely going to hell. But in the words of Frank Turner "I'll have all the best stories to tell."

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